What’s the best thing that has happened to you today?
Robyn Stratton-Berkessel shares her engaging and infectious attitude of positivity as she explains its power, impact and ability to help us realize our greatness in our everyday moments. Whether in a casual conversation, the workplace or in life challenges, we can choose optimism and positivity as the means to show up more creatively, significantly and authentically – it is our inner power booster. Why be negative when we can be positive? A practical conversation about how to choose to see the best things each day. More about Robyn Stratton-Berkessell www.positivitystrategist.com
Jay Forte, the host, is a coach, author and speaker who helps others discover, develop and live their greatness – to live in their Greatness Zone. More about Jay’s greatness focus in work and life www.TheGreatnessZone.com
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