Are you struggling with finances at this time, yet you know deep within that you are following your passion? Or are you afraid to take a leap of faith into a new job or project that resonates with your soul for fear that you will not make enough money to live on? Conversely, are you financially abundant yet feel that something is missing in your life; a deep longing for something that is beyond words? If any of the above situations resonate with you, then we invite you to join Simone M. Matthews on this weeks radio show as she chats to us about ‘Spirituality & Money'. Simone will be talking about how you can take your dreams and inner yearnings and live a life filled with abundance, infinite joy and inner-peace as you walk in sacred service with grace & ease. The focus will be on ‘Heart Consciousness', and how we can ‘re-write' the story we have deep within our psyches about money, in order to heal the pain and awaken to the freedom of spirit. Simone will support listeners with real life tools on how to bridge the ‘inner-dream' with the outer physical world and live a deeply rewarding, fulfilling and abundant life on every level of beingness. Bio - Simone M. Matthews Simone M. Matthews is an international speaker, author, spiritual teacher and a visionary pioneer of conscious evolution by design. As co-founder of, and founder of the UniversalLifeTools Metaphysical School of Healing, and author of the best selling book ‘Shealla-Dreaming', Simone is facilitating a global awakening of people to the infinite power of their heart and soul.
Dr Robyn Mills | The Difference | Sacred Heart Prints | Simone Matthews | Spirituality and money
Dr Robyn Mills | The Difference | Sacred Heart Prints | Simone Matthews | Spirituality and money