Robyn Edwards & Shawon Watson join Butterfly Evolution Close the Door to Your Past -Shawon 98 THOUSAND DIE EACH YEAR - Robyns Voice CLOSE THE DOOR TO YOUR PAST, everyone desires unfailing and unconditional love but one's inability to move beyond HEARTACHE makes this a difficult process. Author, Shawon Watson greates challenge encouraged and motivated him to write “Kissing Your Heartache Goodbye” This writing will assist you with UN FORGIVENESS; guide you in to looking at LIFE, MEN and RELATIONSHIP differently and aid listeners in learning how to give and receive LOVE again. Embraces UNFAILING LOVE! ROBYN'S VOICE 98 Thousand Americans die each year due to preventable medical errors, according to the Institute of Medicine. This number does not include the many like my-self who are left disabled for life. October 2007, at the age of 13, I Robyn Edwards was pronounced brain dead but my mother did not PULL THE PLUG. I graduated high school on 05/2012 but my life will never be the same. I am now disabled and have major deficits and challenges. Statutes like Idaho 6-1012 allows doctors, such as the neurologist in Idaho Falls who almost killed me to escape responsibility for disabling and in some cases killing patients. With the help of my mother I will continue to fight for Justice! You will forever hear Robyn's Voice; There are many others like myself; if Robin's voice is not heard there will be many more after me. Learn more about the injustice that included falsification of medical records, witness being intimidated and the Idaho Falls Police Department refusal to take a police report. In Idaho it is a felony to allow false information to be used during any trial preceding (Idaho Statute 18-2601 and 2602).
Robyn Edwards Voice![]()
| Stroke Victim Idaho![]()
| Shawon Watson![]()
| Kissing Heartache Goodbye![]()
| Close the Doore![]()
Robyn Edwards Voice