They say there are three sides to every story - yours, theirs and the truth. So lets not worry about their side right now and look at the difference between your side of the story and the truth. Think about times in your life that make you feel embarrassed or ashamed; that make you cringe or even make you furious. What actually happened in those moments and what is it that you remember? What part of the story did you focus on? What have you perhaps left out? In other words, what lies have you been telling yourself? And what is Claires latest hobby, which was the catalyst for her "Storybook Epiphany" this week, during a skype call with her new teacher in LA? Join Robyn as she gets to the bottom of it all, and chats to Claire about what stories shes created over the years that have been holding her back and how exposing them as the lies they are has opened her up to new and exciting possibilities.
The Difference | Robyn Mills | Claire Hennekam | Truth | Beliefs
The Difference | Robyn Mills | Claire Hennekam | Truth | Beliefs