Who is Ascended Lady Master Natasha? I am a member of the Council of Eight, organized by entities of high spiritual frequencies with the express intention of finding those souls throughout the known universes who have been lost to the memories of their truest origins. I work with enlightened intelligence in the human form on planet Earth and on other planets and stars, and on many different dimensions. It was decided before Lynea Weatherly was born that I would work through her this lifetime to provide knowledge that would keep her (and any others who were seeking her same goal) off the wheel of rebirth. My work with those of you on the earth plane is to help you grow and evolve. FROM SHUGALA, "The Voice of the Council of 8", who introduced himself March 27, 2007 In the beginning, there simply was. There was simply knowing. Knowing begat itself and knowing became who you are today. What is the purpose ofhaving contact with entities that are unseen and invisible to your human eyes but not unknown to your heart of hearts? Growth, development, unity, and the fulfillment of gods law which was set into motion when God consciousness recognized itself as being in existence. I greet you in the name of all that is sacred in the universe. Why are you here? Because each one of you believed before you took on human form that you and the army of allies that you have at your beck and call could bake a difference in the frequencies and the games that are played with the hearts and mind of spirit encased in flesh upon this planet. However, one cannot utilize an army that one is not even aware of...... "Do not get caught up in your individual expression so wholly that you think you are separate from the entire fabric that makes up life everywhere."----Shugala, Council of 8
Chanelling | Channelled Messages | Dr Robyn Mills | Lynea Weatherly | The Difference
Chanelling | Channelled Messages | Dr Robyn Mills | Lynea Weatherly | The Difference